Fitness Classes

  • We currently offer group fitness classes as part of our prevention services. Different classes are offered throughout the year and are based on participants’ interest.

    Prevention services (such as the classes) are important to help reduce or slow the effects of disease and age related changes that can lead to disability over time.

  • Classes are led by expert professionals who have a true passion for the aging population and a track record to match.

  • All classes are designed to help improve overall health for adults 55+ or for individuals that may benefit from this style of exercise.

    Classes can be performed sitting or standing and there are balance bars available as well.

    Our motto in our classes is “Do what you can”. That means you participate at a level that is comfortable and safe for you. It’s always okay to stop, rest, chat with other participants, or just enjoy the accompanying class music. You can even dance if you feel so inclined! Classes are always a judgement free zone.

  • All participants must sign a consent and liability waiver to attest that they are of adequate health and cleared to participate in general exercise classes by their primary healthcare provider.

    Classes are led by experts who can guide participants through exercises to accommodate participants that use walkers or canes, have had previous joint replacements, have chronic pain from previous injuries/orthopedic surgeries and more.

    Participants are always encouraged to notify instructors of any new pains/conditions prior to class to determine if modifications may be needed that day. However, participants are solely responsible in determining if they should participate in class.

    Class fees, registration paperwork and a signed consent form must be received to register for classes.